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The Kats are on the prowl

It's great fun writing up a blob of activity and keeping people abreast of what we are doing, but blimey, it's difficult to keep up at this rate. we'll have performed 86 events at the end of this year and turned down 27 since we simply have no capacity to take on anything else and literally booked out to the max - which is great, but folks have even asked us if we would put out a smaller band or perhaps a duplicate and quite simply, no on either occasion - I won't compromise the sound depth, timbre and quality that comes out of the the line up we carry and certainly wouldn't run a duplicate band under the same name at a different location with the 'original' line up playing somewhere else. I recall playing and fronting another band (not mine) in the past that sometimes put out three bands of the same name and the feedback was worrying to say the least - However, each to their own.

So, last night, we played a Great Gatsby ball for the MS Charity in Derby, led by Becca Pollard. What a fantastic audience and atmosphere together with a wonderful backdrop on the pitch at Derby County football Club. Everyone was dressed to the nines and looking splendid and for us, the highlight was having our superb Sabini Sisters singing out to Went to a Marvellous party - a brilliant rendition.

Also great to see some prominent local business folks in attendance in including Don Prime and his family and also Felix Frixou and his wife (from Benz Bavarian)

Onwards and upwards we march and tonight we head to Cropston Pumping station for a wonderful wedding party to an audience of swing dancers - now this is going to kick off :-)

Here's a little taster

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